Inclement Weather Policy

While light rain will generally not stop the Metro League or the Slowpitch Leagues from going ahead we do need to be mindful of the ground conditions if heavy rain has fallen during the course of the week.

For our Metro League Competition, the Competition Manager will check the conditions of the diamonds on the morning of play and make a judgement call as to whether the competition will go ahead.

In the case of our summer Corporate Slowpitch Competition, the grounds and the weather will be accessed after 4:30 pm and a decision on the evenings’ play will be made then.

During the summer competition, the Melbourne Softball Association recognises that there is a risk of injury, illness and in extreme cases, possible death, in participating in softball activities during extremely hot weather conditions.

In short,

At two and one half (2.5) hours prior to the scheduled game commencement time reference shall be made to BOM site ‘Latest Weather Observations for Melbourne Area’ 

When the ‘Apparent Temperature’ for the Melbourne Station is higher than thirty six (36) degrees Celsius the scheduled game/s shall be cancelled, except when BOM forecast for Melbourne City indicates that a cool change will decrease the temperature to below 36°C prior to the scheduled game commencement time; in which case all games will commence as scheduled.

Accordingly, the Association has adopted policy and procedures regarding hot weather conditions that can be found in our Inclement Weather Policy
In the event of cancellation, notification will be made via email to nominated team contacts and it is their responsibility to pass detail onto team members.